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Chang-wei Chieu D.C., L.Ac

Doctor of Chiropractor (Palmer Chiropractic College West)

Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Dongguk University)


Founded chiropractic & acupuncture clinic, built it from zero to an average of 12 patients per day, and earned 5-star average out of 41 Yelp reviews, with no malpractice issues.  Worked with many clients from the largest Silicon Valley high-tech companies, deeply understood their issues, and developed successful treatments plans--regularly obtained referrals and repeat business.


Synthesized many Eastern and Western medical traditions to provide customized treatments for patients.  Leveraged Doctor of Chiropractic, M.S.  in Oriental Medicine and 5+ years of pharmacy experience to better understand each patient's needs.  Leveraged extensive mountain biking, CrossFit, and weight lifting to advise on exercise programs.

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